3 Unconventional Ways To Advertise Your Brand

Businesses today face the difficult task of distinguishing themselves from the competition.

Advertising does not have a one-size-fits-all approach but rather a diverse toolkit of strategies. 

This article explores these advertising strategies, providing real-life examples and explaining how their effectiveness can be measured.

Ways To Advertise Your Brand

Guerrilla marketing, viral marketing, and influencer marketing are all exciting advertising strategies that businesses can use.

1. Guerilla Marketing

Guerilla marketing involves creative, low-cost strategies that aim to promote a brand in public spaces. 

According to studies, guerrilla marketing campaigns have a 65% success rate in increasing brand awareness. 

This method also has an average recall rate of 75% among consumers. 

In contrast to traditional marketing efforts, guerrilla marketing campaigns have a 15% higher response rate than traditional advertising.

A prime example is IKEA's 2011 'Life at Home' campaign, where they furnished four metro stations in Paris with sofas, rugs, and tables, transforming them into cozy living spaces. 

This successful campaign got massive attention and was measured through public engagement, social media buzz, and increased store visits.

2. Viral Marketing

Viral marketing spreads brand awareness through captivating content that gets shared organically.

According to Sprout Social, viral marketing can supercharge brand awareness and potentially reach millions of people.

The 2015 'Shot on iPhone' campaign by Apple perfectly demonstrates this. 

Customers' high-quality iPhone photos were displayed on billboards around the world, rapidly spreading the message and the Apple brand.

Increased shares, comments, likes, and mentions, as well as increased sales, demonstrated the campaign's effectiveness.

3. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing leverages the reach of popular personalities on social media to endorse a brand or product. 

Studies say 61% of consumers trust influencer recommendations, compared to 38% who trust brand-produced content. 

A survey from Rakuten further states that around 82% of surveyed companies say influencer marketing generates better customers than other types of marketing.

Gymshark, a fitness apparel brand, built its brand by collaborating with fitness influencers. 

Referral traffic, coupon usage, and follower growth were all tracked to determine the outcome.

Tiktok Gymshark

Traditional Ways to Advertise A Brand

1. Print

Print advertising refers to ads in newspapers, magazines, brochures, and flyers. 

Coca-Cola's Christmas ad in print magazines featuring the iconic Santa image remains a classic example.

The publication circulation and subsequent increase in sales of the brand have demonstrated the advertising campaign's effectiveness year after year.

2. Television

Television ads reach a large, diverse audience with visually compelling stories. 

Budweiser's memorable Super Bowl ads demonstrate the power of TV marketing. 

Viewership ratings, audience sentiment, and sales spikes during and after the airing periods are common measures of the campaigns' effectiveness.

3. Radio

Radio advertising involves airing commercials on radio stations to reach commuters, officegoers, and homes.

Dunkin' Donuts' radio ad campaign, aimed at morning commuters, successfully boosted their breakfast sales. 

Increased store traffic and sales during ad airing periods were used as a measure of success.

4. Online

Online advertising is a broad term that typically includes search ads, display ads, and video ads on the internet.

Google's 'Year in Search' video campaign is a great example. 

5. Social Media

Social media marketing uses platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote a product or brand. 

Fashion Nova, an online clothing brand, used Instagram to become one of the fastest-growing companies. 

The brand measured their campaign success through metrics like likes, shares, comments, follower growth, and increased website traffic.

How to Advertise Your Brand Effectively

In conclusion, it's clear that both unconventional and traditional advertising strategies have the potential to make a significant impact. 

Brands that understand their target audience and can use these various approaches creatively are more likely to break through the noise and create effective advertising campaigns.

Here are some unconventional ways to market a brand:

  • Guerilla marketing

  • Viral marketing

  • Influencer marketing

The key to successful advertising lies in choosing the appropriate method for the message, monitoring the right metrics for that method, and always being ready to adapt and innovate in the dynamic landscape of marketing.


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