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How to Create Your Personal Brand Story in 4 Steps

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Creating Your Personal Brand Story

The four steps to creating a personal brand story are to identify your goals, outline your values, identify your target audience, and determine what makes you unique.

1. Identify What Your Goals Are

When it comes to building your personal brand story, setting concrete goals is absolutely crucial. 

  • So, take a moment to ask yourself: Where do you see your professional journey heading?

  • Are you aiming to be a respected thought leader in your field, attract new clients, or even explore a different industry? 

Whatever it may be, your goals should align with your ambitions and act as a compass for your branding adventure.

Instead of dismissing your goals as far-off dreams, think of them as achievable milestones that, with determination and a little grit, can be reached. 

  • The key here is to identify these goals with clarity and avoid any ambiguity.

  • To do this, it's important to know exactly what you want to achieve and express it in a way that resonates personally with you.

The stronger and more defined your goals are, the more compelling your personal brand story becomes. So steer clear of vague aspirations and narrow in on the specifics. 

These concrete goals provide the heartbeat of your narrative. They reveal your drive, discipline, and the unique path that sets you apart from others.

2. Outline Your Values

Your values act as a compass that guides your decisions and shapes your brand story. 

  • These principles are what set you apart and resonate with your audience, building trust along the way.

  • But it's important to bring them to life in actionable ways, showing how they manifest in your professional life.

Instead of abstract concepts, your values should be tangible attributes that are showcased through your actions. 

  • For example, if innovation is one of your core values, demonstrate how your unique problem-solving approach has led to groundbreaking results.

  • By allowing your audience to see your values in action, you not only help them understand you better but also strengthen the credibility of your brand.

The key lies in authenticity and marketing. 

  • It's not about putting on a facade or pretending to be something you're not.

  • It's about embracing your true essence and weaving your values into every narrative, interaction, and piece of content you share. 

This helps create a personal brand that is not only persuasive but also inspirational.

Remember, your values should be the heart and soul of your brand. Let them guide your decisions and infuse every aspect of your brand story. 

One great example of this is Bill Nye, the Science Guy

  • His passion for science shines through in his content, and you can never deny the authenticity behind his content.

  • His obvious enthusiasm for science is what draws audiences in, and it is a large part of his brand.

3. Identify Who Your Audience Is

Understanding your audience is absolutely crucial when it comes to crafting a compelling personal brand story. 

  • It's all about looking into who they are, what they're looking for, and the obstacles they encounter.

  • Your brand story shouldn't be a generic template but a personalized tale that resonates with the people you're targeting. 

When you know your audience inside and out, you can create messages that truly hit home, establishing a genuine bond that goes beyond just business transactions.

Your audience could include potential employers, clients in a specialized market, or a group of peers, and each group demands a different approach. 

Take the time to study the demographics, interests, and habits of your key audience. 

  • Where do they hang out online? 

  • What kind of language speaks to them? 

  • Most importantly, what do they truly need from you? 

By aligning your unique value proposition with your audience's desires and pain points, you not only show understanding but also a genuine dedication to meeting their needs.

When you make your audience the focal point of your brand story, you transform your narrative into something more captivating, memorable, and impactful. 

This, in turn, makes your audience feel acknowledged and understood, and they become advocates for your brand, extending your influence and presence. 

Alice Thorpe, a freelance graphic designer and YouTube personality, exemplifies this through her content. 

While she has plenty of lifestyle content on her channel, the core audience for her content is clear: graphic designers and other creatives. 

She covers topics that others in her industry may have questions about, such as how to handle clients, tutorials on the tools that she uses, how she prices her products, etc. 

Capitalizing on her personal professional skills and tailoring her content to others in her field makes it easy to build a brand and community around her content.

4. Figure Out What Makes You Unique

In a world where competition is everywhere you turn, finding what sets you apart isn't just useful—it's essential. 

  • Think of it as your guiding star, leading you to stand out from the crowd.

  • Take a moment to reflect on your journey, the victories, and even the struggles that have shaped your unique story.

  • What have you achieved that no one else could? What aspects of your personality draw people in? 

Embrace these traits and build your narrative around them.

  • It's not about showing off your uniqueness for the sake of it; it's about being seen and heard amidst the chaos, allowing your audience to connect with the real you.

  • Maybe it's a skill that's off the beaten path, a new approach you've developed, or a viewpoint that challenges the norm.

  • Recognize these elements and present them not just as features that set you apart but as compelling reasons why your audience should be drawn to your brand.

Authenticity is key here. 

  • Trying to manufacture uniqueness will only result in a story that feels forced.

  • Give a glimpse into what motivates you, the values that drive you, and the fresh perspective you bring to your industry. 

Take, for example, Mark Manson, the writer behind the best-selling novel, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

  • His unique voice, which is the trademark of his brand and his no-nonsense approach to his advice have given his work its own identity, making it easy for audiences to link his work back to him.

  • This has led to a large following, which has contributed significantly to his success as an author.

Wrapping Up: Creating Your Personal Brand Story

Creating a captivating personal brand story is all about being purposeful and looking within. 

Here are four key steps that lay the groundwork for a strong narrative for your personal brand story:

  • Identify what your goals are

  • Outline your values

  • Identify who your audience is

  • Figure out what makes you unique

Take the time to think these over and create a story that represents your brand in such a way that it reflects your true, authentic self.

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