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7 Personal Branding Tips to Stand Out

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Personal Branding Tips

Being authentic, understanding the focus of your branding, building your tribe, knowing and telling your story, staying consistent, learning how to receive feedback, and living your brand are seven strategies for personal branding success.

1. Be Authentic

Authenticity is the number-one key to personal branding success. 88% of consumers take authenticity into account when they choose the brands they support.

  • The Internet has created a culture of authenticity around brands, and your personal brand should be no different.

  • People want to "buy" into a person who is real and honest about their thoughts, opinions, and values; they want to know what you stand for.

2. Understand the Focus of Your Branding

Your personal branding is literally the culmination of everything that you stand for, so having a clear understanding of who you are and what your career goals are will help you identify the focus of your branding.

  • It is important to determine the strengths that make up your personal brand and to be able to articulate those strengths in order to effectively communicate with others about them.

  • Think about what makes you unique or sets you apart from other people, and what attributes you want to be associated with your brand.

  • Not only that, but you have to understand the audience that you want to reach. That audience should be the people who would like to know your story or buy from you.

Who are the people that you want to connect with to strengthen your brand?

For example, Oprah Winfrey, one of the most famous personalities today, has built a personal brand around helping people reach their full potential and become the best versions of themselves through the power of positive thinking.

She knows who her audience is and strives to connect with them, which only serves to enhance the value of her personal brand.

3. Build Your Tribe

Your community, or tribe, will always be a huge part of your personal branding journey.

  • These are the people who will help to amplify your brand message and who can provide invaluable support as you aim to reach your personal branding goals.

  • They are not your followers; rather, they are people that you want to learn from and who want to learn from you as well.

  • Fortunately, with social media, it is now easier than ever to find people whose values and goals you align with and who will want to support the growth of your brand.

  • Engaging with industry professionals, connecting with like-minded influencers, and getting involved in conversations on social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn can help you build a strong community for your personal branding.

4. Know Your Story and Tell It

We all have unique stories that make us who we are, and telling yours is an essential part of personal branding.

  • Telling your story can help you connect with people on a deeper level by allowing them to understand why you do what you do and how your experiences have shaped the values, beliefs, and goals that define your personal brand.

  • Your story should also reflect your brand's values and mission. Moreover, it should be consistent with the other messages you are sending out about yourself.

  • If you want to use storytelling to elevate your personal brand, consider creating a blog or podcast where you can share the experiences that have shaped who you are today.

Elon Musk, while controversial, is a strong example of what it means to use your story to build a strong personal brand.

His aspirations for his companies, particularly his vision for affordable space travel with SpaceX and being at the forefront of sustainable energy with Tesla, have made him a popular figure among specific online communities.

Whether you agree with him or not, there is no denying the fact that his personal brand is one of the most recognizable today.

5. Stay Consistent

Consistency is an essential element of personal branding.

  • It helps to ensure that your messaging remains on-brand and recognizable, and it will give people a clear idea of what to expect from you.

  • Try to establish a consistent visual identity for your brand. This could involve using the same typeface in all your communications or having one signature photo that you use on all of your social accounts.

Mark Manson, the author behind the bestselling book The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, is a prime example of how consistency is important in personal branding.

His consistent writing style and no-nonsense approach to his content have distinguished him from other self-help authors, making him a recognizable personality just from his writing alone.

6. Get Feedback

When done right, feedback can do a lot for the success of your personal branding. 

  • Feedback can help you identify areas for improvement and also provide insight into how people perceive your brand.

  • You should use it as an opportunity to refine or alter aspects of your personal branding if necessary.

  • It's a good idea to find out what people think about your brand, both from people you know and from strangers.

  • You can also use surveys or polls to gain an understanding of what people's thoughts are, and how they perceive your personal brand and its message.

7. Live Your Brand

The most important part of personal branding is living it.

  • Your brand should be an extension of who you are and what you stand for, as well as something that you feel comfortable representing not just online but in your offline life too.

  • You cannot say one thing to your peers and then turn around and do the exact opposite. This is one of the fastest ways to lose people's trust in you.

  • When you live your brand, people get a real sense of your authenticity and commitment to what you stand for. If you believe in it, then other people will too.

It's also important to note that your personal brand exists both online and offline; the two are intertwined, so be sure to remain consistent with your messaging across the board and always remember to stay true to yourself.

Wrapping Up: Personal Branding Tips to Stand Out

The key to personal branding is building an authentic representation of who you are and what your values, passions, and goals are. It's understanding how to use the different tools available to create a strong message that resonates with others.

Here are seven ways to strengthen your personal brand:

  • Be authentic

  • Understand the focus of your branding

  • Build your tribe

  • Know your story and tell it

  • Stay consistent

  • Get feedback

  • Live your brand

Above all else, always remember that your personal brand is a journey and not a destination. As you grow and evolve, so should your approach to marketing yourself.

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