5 Side Hustles That Can Help You Make $1,000 a Month

Starting a side hustle can bring in extra income, help you explore new career paths, and cultivate new skills. 

However, for many people who want to start their own small business or work as a freelancer, the initial stage can be difficult.

This guide simplifies the process by highlighting different side hustles you can start and important factors to consider before embarking on your entrepreneurial journey.

What Side Hustle to Start?

For beginners looking to explore starting a side hustle, freelancing, starting an online business, publishing eBooks and offering digital products, ridesharing and delivery services, as well as photography and videography can provide a great starting base.

What Side Hustle to Start

1. Freelancing

If you have skills and experience in a certain area, like web design or copywriting, freelancing offers a great way to make money on your own terms. 


You can work as much or as little as you want, making it a perfect fit for those who don't have a lot of free time but still need some extra income.

2. Starting an Online Business

For those who have a skill or product that they can monetize, starting an online business can be a great way to make money from home.

Many people have found success in areas such as blogging, dropshipping and digital products.


Others have sold physical products like handmade items on Etsy and even make and sell food as their side hustle. 

You'll need to take into account upfront costs like your website and marketing to get things up and running, but it can be well worth the investment once you start seeing results.

3. eBooks and Other Digital Products

Digital products are a huge commodity right now because of the growth and popularization of handheld technology like smartphones and tablets. 

selling ebooks

Many people have found success in writing and selling eBooks on Amazon Kindle or offering digital products like digital planners and templates on Etsy. 

All it takes is a little creativity and some patience to make your digital products stand out among the competition.

4. Ridesharing and Delivery Services

The pandemic has really opened up the delivery and online ordering industry, making it easier than ever to make money as a driver. 

Companies like DoorDash and Uber offer flexible opportunities for those who want to earn some extra cash without having to commit to something long-term.

food delivery services

With these services, you can use your own car or bike to pick up and drop off customers or deliver food orders right to their doorstep.

The hours are flexible, so it's perfect for those with busy schedules.

5. Photography and Videography

If you have a knack for photography or videography, this can be a great way to make some extra money on the side. 

Taking on events like weddings and birthdays is a fun way to make money off of your photo and video production skills.

freelance photography

Many businesses and individuals are in need of high-quality images and videos, so this is an opportunity to put your skills to work. 

Begin by creating a portfolio and marketing your skills to groups and businesses that may require them.

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting a Side Hustle

Naturally, even though starting right away is one of the best things you can do to start a side hustle, keep in mind that you shouldn't enter into this venture blindly.

There are a few questions that you should ask yourself and consider when you jump into a side hustle.

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting a Side Hustle

1. What are My Skills and Interests?

First and foremost, you need to think about what skills and interests you have that could help you in your side hustle. 

This is going to be the foundation upon which your entire venture is based, so it's important to take the time to think about this carefully.

skills and interests

Identify and pinpoint what makes you stand out, as well as areas where you might need assistance or training. 

While you can certainly explore new industries and skills, having an interest in your potential side hustle helps you stay motivated in what you're working on.

2. How Will this Side Hustle Fit into My Current Schedule and Availability?

The nature of a side hustle means that this is something that you work on alongside your primary job, so you have to make sure that you have the time for it. 

Take a look at your current schedule and availability, and ask yourself if you have the capacity to fit into this new venture.

Also consider how much time you're willing to devote to it - not just the hours that you can spare, but also the emotional energy that comes with taking on something new. 

The last thing you want is to deal with emotional and physical burnout because you ended up taking on more than you're capable of.

3. What are My Short-term and Long-term Goals for this Side Hustle? 

It's important to always have a goal in mind when it comes to any venture that you take on, especially with your side hustle. 

That way, you can focus on the bigger picture and make sure that the steps that you're taking are all leading up to the outcome that you want.

goals of your side hustle

What do you hope to achieve by getting into a side hustle? Are these goals realistic given your current resources and capabilities?

How would this fit into your future plans and goals?

Taking the time to answer these questions helps provide clarity of purpose and direction for whatever new venture you plan on undertaking.

4. Do I have a Support Network and Resources in Place to Help Me Start and Sustain this Side Hustle? 

A strong support network can do wonders for the success of your side hustle.

Think about whether or not you have a support network and resources in place to help you out with this side hustle.

A side hustle is something that goes beyond just having the skills and knowledge.

It requires access to people and resources that can help you get started, sustain your efforts and make sure that you're headed in the right direction.

Having an accessible network of people who are knowledgeable about the industry or venture that you're getting into can give you a leg up when starting out, as well as provide advice and guidance along the way. 

Additionally, having access to helpful resources such as courses, communities and even investors could go a long way in helping your side hustle succeed.

5. What are the Potential Risks and Challenges Associated With this Side Hustle and How Can I Mitigate Them?

There is no side hustle that is without its risks.

After all, you will be venturing into something that is outside of your comfort zone, and it is full of uncertainty. 

Because of this, preparing yourself for all of the potential risks and challenges is essential.

risks and mitigation strategies for your side hustle

Doing a risk assessment before diving into anything helps give you an idea of what kinds of problems you could potentially face, as well as how you can prepare for them in advance.

It's important to be realistic and honest about the potential obstacles that you might have to overcome.

Once you know what they are, it's easier to come up with ways to mitigate them and guard against any possible troubles down the line.

6. What is the Market Demand For this Side Hustle?

Market research dictates if you have the potential to make money from your side hustle, and understanding the market demand for it is key.

Before taking on anything, research the industry or sector that you're getting into - understand who your customers are, what they're looking for, and how much they're willing to pay. 

Doing this allows you to determine if there's actually a demand for whatever service or product that you want to offer.

Ultimately, taking the time to answer all of these questions helps you determine if pursuing a side hustle opportunity is right for you. 

By considering all of these aspects beforehand, you can ensure that whatever decision you make will be one that leads to success.

7. What Do You Hope to Achieve With Your Side Hustle?

As mentioned before, people get into side hustles for various reasons, so you should ask yourself what you hope to achieve with your own side hustle. 

Do you want to make extra income on the side, increase your skills and experience in a particular field, or even replace your current job with something that gives you more freedom?

goals to achieve with your side hustle

Knowing why you're getting into this venture is important as it will help form the foundation of your business plan and guide all the decisions that you'll be making.

Tips for Launching a Successful Side Hustle

Here are some important tips to consider when launching your side hustle:

Tip 1. Networking

Network with like-minded individuals within your chosen field.

Tip 2. Social Media Platforms

LinkedIn and other social media platforms can be great resources for connecting with potential collaborators.

Tip 3. Research Online Marketplaces

Research online marketplaces like Fiverr and Upwork to explore the types of gigs people are offering.

This can help you get an idea of what kind of services you might be able to provide.

Tip 4. Selling Your Own Products

If your side hustle means creating your own products and selling them, websites like Etsy and even Facebook Marketplace can be great platforms to reach a readily available target audience.

Tip 5. Online Marketing Tools

If you decide to start a personal business, don't forget to use the various online marketing tools that are available to you (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Mailchimp, HubSpot etc.).

Tip 6. Experimenting with Marketing Strategies

Once you get the hang of it, you can experiment with different marketing tools and strategies to find the one that works best for your business and goals.

Ready, Set, Go: Launch Your Side Hustle Today

Starting a side hustle can be a remarkably rewarding experience. 

There's nothing quite like the feeling of being your own boss, setting your own hours, and making a living doing something you actually enjoy.

To get started with your side hustle, take a look at the following ideas mentioned in this article:

  • Freelancing

  • Starting an online business

  • Publishing eBooks and offering digital products

  • Ridesharing and delivery services

  • Photography and videography

By considering these options, you can jump-start your journey towards finding the perfect side hustle. 

Don't hesitate to explore your interests and talents, and see where they can take you.


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