7 Proven Email Marketing B2B Lead Generation Strategies

Email marketing is still an effective way to engage potential customers. 

Businesses should use targeted strategies and segment their email lists to generate valuable leads. 

In this article, we will look at tried-and-true B2B email lead generation strategies that can greatly improve your marketing efforts.

Email Marketing B2B Lead Generation Strategies

To effectively generate B2B leads via email, employ targeted campaigns, lead magnets, content upgrades, webinar invitations, drip email campaigns, personalized outreach, referral programs, and retargeting campaigns.

1. Targeted Email Campaigns

According to the Content Marketing Institute, 31% of B2B marketers report that email newsletters are the best way to nurture leads. 

To generate B2B leads, create buyer personas to represent your ideal prospects. 

Segment your email lists based on these personas and craft personalized campaigns that address their specific needs. 

For example, if you're targeting IT managers in the healthcare industry, send emails highlighting how your solution can improve their data security and compliance.

2. Lead Magnets and Content Upgrades

Offer valuable lead magnets like e-books, whitepapers, or industry reports to entice prospects to provide their contact information. 

Additionally, create content upgrades such as checklists or templates to provide extra value to subscribers. 

As per a GetResponse survey, 58.6% of marketers claim that short-form written lead magnets like checklists and ebooks make for the highest conversion rates.

lead magnet example

3. Webinar and Event Invitations

Host webinars or participate in industry events relevant to your target audience. 

Send targeted email invitations to prospects who would benefit from the content or networking opportunities. 

For example, if you're an HR software provider, invite HR professionals to a webinar on improving employee engagement and productivity.


4. Drip Email Campaigns

Develop automated drip email campaigns that deliver a series of relevant and valuable pieces of content to prospects over time. 

Open rates for drip campaigns are about 80% higher than single-send emails.

Nurture leads by sharing educational content, case studies, testimonials, and success stories. 

Include clear calls-to-action (CTAs) in each email, such as offering a free trial or scheduling a product demo.

drip email campaign examples

5. Personalized Outreach and Relationship Building

Establish connections with key decision-makers in target companies through personalized email outreach. 

Personalized subject lines increase average email open rates by 50%

This is because 72% of people say they only respond to messages aimed directly at them. 

Research the recipient's role, industry, challenges, and interests to tailor your messages effectively. 

For example, if you're a cybersecurity provider, reach out to CISOs with personalized emails highlighting the specific security threats their industry faces.

6. Referral Programs and Incentives

According to a Hubspot study, 94% of customers will recommend a company whose service they rate as "very good.”

Therefore, implement referral programs that encourage existing customers or subscribers to refer your business to their networks.

Promote these programs using email marketing, providing referral links, and tracking referrals. 

Offer incentives such as discounts, rewards, or exclusive content to motivate referrals. 

For example, for each successful referral a customer makes, offer a percentage discount on your product or service.

referral program examples

7. Retargeting and Remarketing Campaigns

Re-engage prospects who have shown interest but haven't converted using email retargeting.

77% of B2B buyers prefer to be contacted over email—more than double any other channel. 

Hence, send targeted emails with personalized offers or reminders to encourage them to take the next step. 

Implement remarketing campaigns to reach prospects who have visited your website or engaged with your content, reminding them of your value proposition.

remarketing campaign example

Wrapping Up: Email Marketing B2B Lead Generation Strategies

By leveraging the following strategies, you can scale up your B2B email lead generation efforts:

  • Targeted email campaigns

  • Lead magnets and content upgrades

  • Webinar and event invitations

  • Drip email campaigns

  • Personalized outreach and relationship building

  • Referral programs and incentives

  • Retargeting and remarketing campaigns

Success hinges on the art of skillfully crafting captivating and tailored content that directly addresses the unique pain points and needs of your prospective audience.


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